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Also includes a reusable WPBakery page builder element.", "title": "Salient Social", "networkActive": false, "active": true, "mustUse": false, "dropIns": false }, "salient-widgets\/plugin.php": { "slug": "salient-widgets\/plugin.php", "name": "Salient Widgets", "version": "1.3", "pluginURI": "https:\/\/themenectar.com", "author": "ThemeNectar", "authorURI": "http:\/\/themenectar.com", "description": "Adds the Salient collection of widgets.", "title": "Salient Widgets", "networkActive": false, "active": true, "mustUse": false, "dropIns": false }, "js_composer_salient\/js_composer.php": { "slug": "js_composer_salient\/js_composer.php", "name": "Salient WPBakery Page Builder", "version": "7.1", "pluginURI": "https:\/\/wpbakery.com", "author": "Michael M - WPBakery.com | Modified by ThemeNectar", "authorURI": "https:\/\/wpbakery.com", "description": "Drag and drop page builder for WordPress. Take full control over your WordPress site, build any layout you can imagine \u2013 no programming knowledge required.", "title": "Salient WPBakery Page Builder", "networkActive": false, "active": true, "mustUse": false, "dropIns": false }, "wp-smushit\/wp-smush.php": { "slug": "wp-smushit\/wp-smush.php", "name": "Smush", "version": "3.15.1", "pluginURI": "http:\/\/wordpress.org\/plugins\/wp-smushit\/", "author": "WPMU DEV", "authorURI": "https:\/\/profiles.wordpress.org\/wpmudev\/", "description": "Reduce image file sizes, improve performance and boost your SEO using the free WPMU DEV<\/a> WordPress Smush API.", "title": "Smush", "networkActive": false, "active": true, "mustUse": false, "dropIns": false }, "styler-for-wpforms\/styler-for-wpforms.php": { "slug": "styler-for-wpforms\/styler-for-wpforms.php", "name": "Styler for WPForms", "version": "2.0.5", "pluginURI": "http:\/\/wpmonks.com\/styler-wpforms", "author": "Sushil Kumar", "authorURI": "http:\/\/wpmonks.com\/", "description": "Create beautiful styles for your WPForms", "title": "Styler for WPForms", "networkActive": false, "active": true, "mustUse": false, "dropIns": false }, "translatepress-multilingual\/index.php": { "slug": "translatepress-multilingual\/index.php", "name": "TranslatePress - Multilingual", "version": "2.6.7", "pluginURI": "https:\/\/translatepress.com\/", "author": "Cozmoslabs, Razvan Mocanu, Madalin Ungureanu, Cristophor Hurduban", "authorURI": "https:\/\/cozmoslabs.com\/", "description": "Experience a better way of translating your WordPress site using a visual front-end translation editor, with full support for WooCommerce and site builders.", "title": "TranslatePress - Multilingual", "networkActive": false, "active": true, "mustUse": false, "dropIns": false }, "wpforms-lite\/wpforms.php": { "slug": "wpforms-lite\/wpforms.php", "name": "WPForms Lite", "version": "", "pluginURI": "https:\/\/wpforms.com", "author": "WPForms", "authorURI": "https:\/\/wpforms.com", "description": "Beginner friendly WordPress contact form plugin. Use our Drag & Drop form builder to create your WordPress forms.", "title": "WPForms Lite", "networkActive": false, "active": true, "mustUse": false, "dropIns": false }, "wp-mail-smtp\/wp_mail_smtp.php": { "slug": "wp-mail-smtp\/wp_mail_smtp.php", "name": "WP Mail SMTP", "version": "3.10.0", "pluginURI": "https:\/\/wpmailsmtp.com\/", "author": "WP Mail SMTP", "authorURI": "https:\/\/wpmailsmtp.com\/", "description": "Reconfigures the wp_mail()<\/code> function to use Gmail\/Mailgun\/SendGrid\/SMTP instead of the default mail()<\/code> and creates an options page to manage the settings.", "title": "WP Mail SMTP", "networkActive": false, "active": true, "mustUse": false, "dropIns": false } }, "themes": { "salient": { "slug": "salient", "themeName": "Salient", "version": "16.1.2", "themeURI": "https:\/\/themeforest.net\/item\/salient-responsive-multipurpose-theme\/4363266", "parentTheme": false, "template": "salient", "stylesheet": "salient", "description": "An Ultra Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme.", "author": "ThemeNectar", "authorURI": "https:\/\/themeforest.net\/user\/themenectar", "tags": [], "isAllowed": true, "isActive": true, "defaultTheme": false }, "twentytwentyfour": { "slug": "twentytwentyfour", "themeName": "Twenty Twenty-Four", "version": "1.0", "themeURI": "https:\/\/wordpress.org\/themes\/twentytwentyfour\/", "parentTheme": false, "template": "twentytwentyfour", "stylesheet": "twentytwentyfour", "description": "Twenty Twenty-Four is designed to be flexible, versatile and applicable to any website. 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Twenty Twenty-Four comes with style variations and full page designs to help speed up the site building process, is fully compatible with the site editor, and takes advantage of new design tools introduced in WordPress 6.4.", "author": "the WordPress team", "authorURI": "https:\/\/wordpress.org", "tags": [ "one-column", "custom-colors", "custom-menu", "custom-logo", "editor-style", "featured-images", "full-site-editing", "block-patterns", "rtl-language-support", "sticky-post", "threaded-comments", "translation-ready", "wide-blocks", "block-styles", "style-variations", "accessibility-ready", "blog", "portfolio", "news" ], "isAllowed": true, "isActive": false, "defaultTheme": true }, "twentytwentyone": { "slug": "twentytwentyone", "themeName": "Twenty Twenty-One", "version": "2.0", "themeURI": "https:\/\/wordpress.org\/themes\/twentytwentyone\/", "parentTheme": false, "template": "twentytwentyone", "stylesheet": "twentytwentyone", "description": "Twenty Twenty-One is a blank canvas for your ideas and it makes the block editor your best brush. With new block patterns, which allow you to create a beautiful layout in a matter of seconds, this theme\u2019s soft colors and eye-catching \u2014 yet timeless \u2014 design will let your work shine. Take it for a spin! See how Twenty Twenty-One elevates your portfolio, business website, or personal blog.", "author": "the WordPress team", "authorURI": "https:\/\/wordpress.org\/", "tags": [ "one-column", "accessibility-ready", "custom-colors", "custom-menu", "custom-logo", "editor-style", "featured-images", "footer-widgets", "block-patterns", "rtl-language-support", "sticky-post", "threaded-comments", "translation-ready" ], "isAllowed": true, "isActive": false, "defaultTheme": false }, "twentytwentythree": { "slug": "twentytwentythree", "themeName": "Twenty Twenty-Three", "version": "1.3", "themeURI": "https:\/\/wordpress.org\/themes\/twentytwentythree", "parentTheme": false, "template": "twentytwentythree", "stylesheet": "twentytwentythree", "description": "Twenty Twenty-Three is designed to take advantage of the new design tools introduced in WordPress 6.1. 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Whether you\u2019re building a single-page website, a blog, a business website, or a portfolio, Twenty Twenty-Two will help you create a site that is uniquely yours.", "author": "the WordPress team", "authorURI": "https:\/\/wordpress.org\/", "tags": [ "one-column", "custom-colors", "custom-menu", "custom-logo", "editor-style", "featured-images", "full-site-editing", "block-patterns", "rtl-language-support", "sticky-post", "threaded-comments", "style-variations", "wide-blocks", "block-styles", "accessibility-ready", "blog", "portfolio", "news" ], "isAllowed": true, "isActive": false, "defaultTheme": false } } }, "defaultStorageId": -1, "components": [ "package_component_db", "package_component_core", "package_component_plugins", "package_component_themes", "package_component_uploads", "package_component_other" ], "opts_delete": "[\"duplicator_ui_view_state\",\"duplicator_package_active\",\"duplicator_settings\",\"duplicator_is_pro_enable_notice_dismissed\"]", "brand": { "name": "Duplicator", "isDefault": true, "logo": "<\/i> Duplicator", "enabled": false, "style": [] }, "overwriteInstallerParams": { "blogname": { "value": "\u0628\u0646\u064a\u0627\u0646 \u0627\u0644\u0641\u062e\u0627\u0645\u0629 \u0644\u0644\u062a\u0645\u0644\u064a\u0643" } }, "installer_base_name": "installer.php.bak", "installer_backup_name": "20231121_d8a8d986d98ad8a7d986d8a7d984d9_4792f4ccece47e8f5900_20231127174447_installer-backup.php", "package_name": "20231121_d8a8d986d98ad8a7d986d8a7d984d9_4792f4ccece47e8f5900_20231127174447_archive.zip", "package_hash": "4792f4c-27174447", "package_notes": "" }